Longest day in Seattle after Trump elected

Longest day in Seattle after Trump elected

November 10, 2016
Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Shahd Alhamdan

By Shahd Alhamdan
Saudi Gazette

SEATTLE — Only a few hours after Donald Trump won the US presidential election, thousands in Seattle were in the streets protesting the result.
Many expected Hillary to win, yet the unpredictable happened.

Protests occurred in a number of locations across the city, such as Portland, Pike Place Market, Capitol Hill.

Many chanted against Trump, angry and upset that he has been elected, while others lay down in the street on major roads, blocking traffic.

Some politicians, including Seattle Mayor, Ed Murray, are reportedly planning protests over the election results.

Those protesting against Trump said that he would damage women’s rights and does not support the rights of minorities.  

One female, Mexican-American protestor in her thirties, said she was protesting because Trump does not respect women or their rights, or minorities, so he shouldn’t be elected president.

Another male protestor said he believes that Trump discriminates against minorities, such as African-Americans, Muslims, and Mexicans.

He said Trump had proposed bans on Muslim immigration and removing undocumented Mexican workers in the United States.

Some protests said Trump was aggressive and an egomaniac, and that Hillary deserved to win instead.

After his victory, Trump was more diplomatic in his first speech than he had been during what has been a vitriolic election campaign.

Trump appeared with his family before cheering supporters in a New York hotel ballroom, and said it was time to heal the divisions caused by the campaign and find common ground after a campaign that exposed deep differences among Americans.

“It is time for us to come together as one united people,” Trump said.
“I will be president for all Americans.”

November 10, 2016