Expert interview Social Media: Friend or Foe?

Expert interview Social Media: Friend or Foe?

December 02, 2016
Expert interview Social Media: Friend or Foe?
Expert interview Social Media: Friend or Foe?

Layan Damanhouri

By Layan Damanhouri
Social media created a new window into private homes, allowing a breach of privacy. Others may argue that it has created a more valuable media by allowing for more people to interact in public discussions. 

 Did social media benefit us or harm us? This is a question that raises debate among social media users and experts.
Expert interview Social Media: Friend or Foe?
 We no longer have privacy because all smartphones and social media platforms have ways to analyze people’s behavior and track their conversations, according to Ammar Mohammed, digital marketing advisor at Social Media Solutions from Qatar.

 Asked about other adisadvantages of social media, he said there are several including wasting one’s time, weakening social relationships, and receiving superficial content.

 “In addition, social media has produced some wrong role models who are spreading concepts that are damaging to youth,” he adds.

 Drifting, for instance, has become a trending topic on social media. “People mistake car drifters for a professional sport and something fun while in reality it’s dangerous. We need to promote values and boundaries in social media that starts in the family,” says Ammar.

 Creating a gap in real communication among people is something many agree upon.

 However, social media can be used for the benefit of the public by producing valuable content.

 “We need to use social media more wisely by opening the floor for more knowledgeable influencers and intellectuals instead of making clowns famous on social media,” he says.

 Young adults and teenagers in the GCC region are one of the most tech-savvy in the world. 

On social media content in the GCC region, he says valuable and knowledgeable content is still not enough. “It’s our role to be aware of the content we put out there. We shouldn’t adapt content according to the audience’s needs only. Our content essentially represents our lives. Unfortunately there are those who seek fame and take advantage of others in their content.” 

December 02, 2016