[gallery size="medium" td_select_gallery_slide="slide" td_gallery_title_input="National Transformation Program" ids="109345,109346,109347"]In order to build the institutional capacity and capabilities needed to achieve the ambitious goals of “Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030”, the National Transformation Program 2020 was launched across 24 government bodies operating in the economic and development sectors in its first year.
It is notable that the program’s strategic objectives are linked to interim targets for the year 2020. Furthermore, the first phase of initiative implementation will be launched in 2016 and will be followed every year by phases involving more public bodies.
The program uses innovative methods to identify challenges, seize opportunities, adopt effective planning tools, activate the role of the private sector, bring about implementation, and evaluate performances. It has also determined the interim targets for some of the Vision’s strategic objectives to ensure the establishment of a solid foundation for government action and the continuity of innovative planning, implementation, and follow-up methods at the national level.
Objectives of the National Transformation Program
The operating model and outputs of the National Transformation Program will have a significant impact on planning efficiency and effectiveness and on the integration of government action. In this way, the program fulfills the Vision’s commitment to more efficient spending and the achievement of fiscal balance through:
Identifying the Strategic Objectives and Targets of Participating Entities. To accomplish “Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030,” the National Transformation Program identified the supportive strategic objectives — as well as the obstacles that could hinder achievement of those goals — and created innovative targets for the year 2020.
Translating Strategic Objectives into Initiatives for the Participating Entities. The participating entities’ strategic objectives were translated into initiatives; then detailed implementation plans were established and economic feasibility studies were conducted. All of this will affect the planning and implementation process, lead to better spending efficiency, maximize the effect of the initiatives on the achievement of national priorities, and promote transparency by announcing targets and results.
Promoting Joint Action Toward the Achievement of Common National Goals. The National Transformation Program identified a number of effective common national priorities — and their public benefits — that were built on the Vision’s strategic objectives. The initiatives were analyzed within specialized support units.
These units used filters designed to maximize the initiatives’ contributions to the achievement of the common national goals in areas such as the following:
Contributing to Job Creation. The program’s initiatives seek to create (more than 450,000) jobs in the nongovernment sector by the year 2020, thus contributing to the Vision’s goal of providing opportunities for all.
Strengthening Partnerships with the Private Sector. The private sector’s contribution to funding of initiatives is quite significant, relieving the government of 40% of initiative funding. This moves the nation closer to fulfilling Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 goal of increasing the private sector’s contribution to GDP.
Maximizing Local Content. Some program initiatives contribute to localizing more than SR270 billion of content, increasing its added value, reducing dependence on imports, and creating job opportunities. As a result, the nation moves closer to fulfilling the goal of maximizing local content across sectors.
Digital Transformation. The program identified five common digital platforms, 29 essential digital initiatives for key sectors, and a number of national digital assets that may be invested to support government digital transformation. This corresponds to the commitment of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 to develop the digital infrastructure, activate economic sectors, support industries and the private sector.