2 suspected arson cases in Qatif area

2 suspected arson cases in Qatif area

January 17, 2017
2 suspected arson cases in Qatif area
2 suspected arson cases in Qatif area

By Muhammad Al-Onaizi

QATIF — Unknown persons burned two money transfer offices in Mayyas neighborhood in Qatif, east of Saudi Arabia. Fingerprints lifted from the scene of the crime matched those of some rioters in Al-Awamiya strengthening the belief that the two fire cases are arson by nature.

According to sources, Al-Mayyas neighborhood witnessed a similar crime when two suspected Daesh (the so-called IS) suicide bombers targeted Al-Omran Mosque in that area.

Sources said that crime of burning the two money transfer offices is similar in nature to the criminal activities committed by rioters who are targeting police officers, citizens, expatriatess and public properties.

The arsonists committed this crime in the early hours of the day to avoid being detected and at times when roads are empty so they could escape easily. Sources said that police have the resources and capabilities to track down these criminals and hand them over to justice.

The two money transfer offices belong to financial companies or banks that offer the services of transferring money abroad.

January 17, 2017