JEDDAH — Members of the Deccan NRI Group stressed the importance of education among Muslim youth during the first meeting under the leadership of Mohammed Abdul Razzak.
During the course of the meeting, which touched upon subjects concerning the current situations of the Muslim society back home in India, the urgent need to focus on the education of the youth of today seemed to be more of a concern.
Members of Deccan NRI Group felt that in order for the Muslim community to overcome its despairing condition, education would play a very major role in deciding the path the community will eventually take.
The group further strategized ways to boost funds that are generally contributed by individuals. Deccan NRI Group will soon be carrying out investments in certain industries back in India, which would provide a tremendous support in carrying out the group’s core activities, which include the assistance to poor families for marriages of their daughters, providing rations during Ramadan for needy families and so on.
It is indeed a fact that if rations would be provided to poor families, it would only solve the immediate problem, however if the youth of the family are educated to become self-sufficient, this would in turn help the family break the chain of being dependent on charitable organizations.
Deccan NRI Group hopes to sponsor talented children for their education and help them become capable enough to undertake examinations in future for administrative positions in the government.
Earlier, the meeting commenced with the recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an, by Master Nabeel.