By Renad Ghanem
CAIRO — Egyptians partition was named the winner of the best partition at Fitur 2017 — International Tourism Trade Fair in Madrid, Spain. Egypt was one among 160 countries that participated in the exhibition that was held recently. Egyptian Tourist Authority believes that this reflected positively on the classic Egyptian tourism.
Hisham El Demery, Egyptian Tourist Authority Chief, received the prize on behalf of the Egyptian Minister of Tourism Yehia Rashed, with attending of Exhibition Executive Director, Ana Larrañaga and a huge number of media and exhibition visitors.
Rashed had earlier met Spanish tourism companies’ representatives; they discussed the possible methods to get back tourism to Egypt in the near future. He also stressed that each part has to do an effective role. Rashed also reviewed the efforts of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism in advancing the tourism movement between Egypt and Spain though working on adjusting the Spanish travel announcement in some areas in Egypt.
Rashed also met Jordi Xuclá, President of the ALDE Group at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, who is also the spokesman of the Democratic Party in the Committee for Foreign and European relations, and member of the Economic Committee and the Spanish Parliament. Xuclá said the he will support the Egyptian side in both the Spanish Parliament and the Council of Europe, and that during a month, the announcement of traveling to Egypt will be adjusted.