JEDDAH — Under the patronage of Princess Luluwah Al-Faisal, Effat University launched the third English & Translation Conference, under the title: “Intercultural Exchange: Language, Literature, and Translation”, at the weekend in Effat University library & cultural museum.
The general aim of the interdisciplinary conference is to highlight the historic role played by translation in bridging the cultural and knowledge gap among nations, past and present.
In her welcome speech, Dr. Sanna Dhahir, dean of Science & Humanities College at Effat University, said the university will be celebrating graduation of its first translators this year.
“Translation is important, sometimes its accuracy is crucial, and sometimes it is just there to challenge you to deliver the exact same meaning in another language,” she said.
Prof. David Damrosch, head of the Department of Comparative Literature at Harvard University, was the keynote speaker.
Khaled Almaeena, leading Saudi journalist and Saudi Gazette’s editor-at-large, delivered a realistic and enlightening speech.
Three sessions presented by students and academics from local and international institutions, had interesting titles such as “Translation Studies”, Translation & language”, and “Specialized Translation”.
The conference was concluded by discussion & informative answers.