JEDDAH — The PISJ-ES, recently organized a Spelling Bee contest in the school auditorium. The best spellers from grade level 1 to grade level 8 held the audience spellbound with their performance in the nerve-wrecking spelling competition. The sole purpose of this contest was to learn and enhance the skill to communicate effectively, because learning is not just about rote but to know the words inside-out in every context and their appropriate usage.
The program formally commenced with the recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an, followed by the national anthems of both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
On the occasion, Principal Adnan Nasir said, “This competition is exclusive in its format, not because it expects students to cram jumbled up alphabets to make meaningful diction but it provides them precious exposure to discover new avenues of the world in their future academic and professional lives. Therefore, the objective of such competitions is not just to expect our students to spell the words correctly and win the competition but to help them learn discipline; how to tackle pressure and take decisions to confidently pace the competitive world in all their future endeavors. By learning words, they develop their skill to communicate effectively which is required in every aspect of life.”
He urged the students to understand the power of words, which has the ability to inspire and shatter at the same time; thus emphasized to learn to use them wisely in order to make our world a better place.
After several stirring and intellectually challenging rounds, Omer Ahmed, Abdul Rehman Adnan and Alizah Anwar from Grade 1 acquired first, second and third positions respectively. Amongst the winners in Grade 2 were Abdul Ahmed in first position; runner up was Muhammad Hamdan Umar while third position went to Eshaal Waseem.
Muhammad Abdullah, Shayan Shahid and Musa Sheraz from Grade 3 achieved first, second and third positions respectively. From Grade l4, first position was won by Maroof Hassan, runner up was Muhammad Ibadullah and Maryam Farrukh stood third. The spelling champs from Grade 5 were, Dayan Imran, Arsal Tanveer and Shahmir Shahid, achieving top three positions respectively.
From Grade 6, Abdul Hadi, Muhammad Haris Jan and Hassan Usmani were declared winners of first, second and third spots respectively. The victors from Grade 7 were Rayyan Nayyer, first, Emaan Tariq, second and Rehan Akram in third position. In Grade 8, Sara Batool stood first, second place was taken by Manahil Qadir; whereas, Sameer Khan achieved third position.
The principal lauded the teaching faculty and the members of the school administration for putting up such intellectually stimulating program, which concluded with the distribution of trophies and certificates to the winners.