Dubai — Dubai police have arrested a man who filmed himself making his dogs feed on a helpless cat. The cat was mauled to death by two aggressive dogs as a punishment by the owner and the video has enraged social media users in United Arab Emirates.
The man could be heard laughing in the background and cheering his dogs loudly to “eat the cat”.
In a Facebook post, Dubai Police said: “As per directives of Dubai Police Commander-in-chief, Maj. Gen. Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, The CID units of Dubai Police arrested the man who fed a cat to his dogs in the video that has gone viral.”
Maj. Gen. Khalil Ibrahim Al Mansouri, Assistant Commandant of CID at Dubai Police, said those convicted of this abuse are subject to face jail terms and heavy fines.
The video shows the man holding a cage with a white cat inside and offering it to his dogs. Dubai Police hereby urge the general public to refrain from posting such violent videos on their social media feeds ,and report the matter to authorities instead.”
The video, first reported on by Al-Bayan newspaper shows the cat locked in a cage in retribution for eating a dove from the owner’s ranch. The starving pet was reportedly abandoned in a remote area for days.
Manal Al-Mansouri, a member of the UAE Animal Welfare Committee, denounced the act as a “heinous crime which does not mirror the affable and sober Emirati society”.
Mansouri said, according to a source, that dogs have being trained to aggressively attack and were starved intentionally to maul the cat to death.