PWC Ladies mark day lauding women’s role

PWC Ladies mark day lauding women’s role

March 21, 2017
PWC Ladies mark day lauding women’s role
PWC Ladies mark day lauding women’s role

By Aymen Zaheer and Asma Tariq

RIYADH — Members of Ladies Chapter of Pakistan Writers Club (PWC-LC), a group of very creative and talented ladies, gathered to mark International Women’s Day with their thoughts and opinions about the day.

They had to say the following:

Almas Mumtaz said there were many women among the wives and companions of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who can serve as a role model for all women — and of all times. “We as woman must read and learn about the lives and achievements of the great women of their time, namely: Maryam, Khadija, Aisha, Asiya, Umme Ammar, Umme Sulaim, Fatima, and many others,” Almas remarked.

Ambreen Faiz Ahmad said that women of any society are in fact its backbone and their role cannot be ignored and belittled. “Women are the reason we have beauty and colors in our lives. Women are now contributing their mite towards the development of her family, society and the nation. I recalled an adage – give me good mothers and I will give you a good nation,” Ambreen said.

Asma Tariq said that International Women’s Day reminds us that it was very important and a honor to be a woman. “It’s a duty of every parent to teach their boys that they have come into this world because of a woman, as such they should always be respectful towards them. Parents should also instill in them the teachings of our Prophet (pbuh) who bestowed upon women the honor and respect they deserve,” Asma said.

Dr. Farah Nadia was of the opinion that a woman has strong will power and that she derives strengths from times of tribulations she faces. “God could not send angels everywhere, so HE created a woman – a mother – who is no less than an angel for a newborn,” Dr. Farah said.

Farah Ehsan said that it was not right to paint women as weak and oppressed. “We should know that Fatima Jinnah was also a woman who fought with her brother and gifted us an independent country. Benazir as a woman stood up against a brutal dictator and helped restore democracy in the country, and Malala overcame challenges and won a coveted Nobel Prize for Peace,” Farah remarked.

Madiha Malik mentioned that balance of a family, a society and with that extension a nation rests on the important role that a woman plays in her respective capacity — day in and day out. “Although by nature a woman is physically weak, however, she is very strong otherwise. Put to any challenge — physical or otherwise, she has the capacity and capability to return a surprise to all,” Malik said.

Madiha Noman said that a woman is an important part of any society and her capability should not be underestimated. “I would like to dedicate this International Women’s Day to Saudi women who have rendered commendable services in all walks of their lives — and that too in a challenging environment and conditions,” Noman said.

Qundeel Aymen said that women of today have proved beyond any doubt that not only are they a master and a queen of any house but they are equally capable to render any service — in any field — which a man can do. “I am very proud of the fact that I was born a woman. I therefore would wish to extend my felicitations and best wishes to all women on the celebration of this international day for the women,” Qundeel said.

Shumaila Malik was very upbeat about this day and said that a woman has always played an important role, be it in the capacity of Eve, or Mar and/or Zahra. “In Saudi Vision 2030, women’s role in building the Saudi society has been acknowledged. I would like to dedicate this day to all those women who have worked tirelessly to keep their family together,” Shumaila said.

March 21, 2017