By Maha Al-Mutairi
The law of attraction is a new science that depends on the magnetic power of the universe; it is the attraction of situations whether negative or positive. A person attracts good or bad situations through his or her thoughts and feelings. Being positive and optimistic attracts good circumstances as opposed to being pessimistic and negative which puts one in a negative situation. Your thoughts become your destiny, your life, the situations you go through.
The most interesting part of the law of attraction is that it was first mentioned in Islam when God said: “I am as my servant expects of me, so if he thinks good of me then he will have it, and if he thinks evil of me then he will have it.”
Later, as science developed, the theory on the law of attraction came out but it was first mentioned in Islam.
In order to attract good things, you must follow 3 steps. First, you must get rid of all the negative energies and emotions, which are revolved in sympathy, fear of the future, pressure, and the most important thing is that you must be grateful for what you have.
Second, target a goal in your life that you would like to achieve. Third, live as if you have reached your goal. This way, you are attracting positive energy that will bring good tidings. And if not, you will get a reward from God because this action is considered as a type of worship.
Don’t let negative people affect you and if they try, distance yourself from them because they will only bring you bad news. Being negative and ungrateful for what you have will always lead to bad situations.
If you are unsatisfied or you are afraid of being poor or in ill health, for example, you will never be in a satisfying situation because you are attracting negative energy. In my opinion, being positive will make you feel happy and satisfied, in addition to the good situations that you will attract.
Positivity has one good side to it which revolves around gratefulness, happiness, rewards from God and the most important thing: attracting positive energy. So, be happy, positive, optimistic, and spread it around.