[gallery size="medium" td_select_gallery_slide="slide" td_gallery_title_input="Celebrating Mothers in KSA" ids="128831,128833,128835,128837,128832,128834,128836,128838"]
By Mariam Nihal
When you love someone you want to know everything about them. Well at least when it’s your mother. We are here to decode the way mothers work in the social media sphere. If you have ever wondered what they do on social media apps like Twitter, well we have a study that might help you. According to Twitter analytics, 80% moms access Twitter on their mobile devices, in fact one out of two are on Twitter while watching TV and tweeting simultaneously. 50% of them use it for news and of course updates from friends.
So whom do moms follow? Well a 73% of them follow brands, mainly retail, a strong 43% are like millennials and follow celebrities and friends. Here’s a closer to look.