Senegal Consul General Mamadou Kane honored

Senegal Consul General Mamadou Kane honored

April 06, 2017

JEDDAH — The Council of the Honorary Consuls accredited in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, organized a ceremony to honor Mamadou Habib Kane, consul general of Senegal. Kane was accompanied by the Consul General of South Africa, Shoayb Casoo with Council of political affairs Riyadh Haffejee, Consul General of Gabon Abdelaziz Barnly Oupolo and Mubassirul Azam from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).

The ceremony took place at the Consulate of Canada.

Mohamed M. Attar, the President of the Council of Honorary Consuls and Honorary Consul of Canada, along with Gen. Dr. Mohamed M. Juhany, vice president of Honorary Consuls and

Consul of Congo Brazzaville, awarded a plaque of appreciation and recognition to Kane on the occasion of the end of his tenure in Jeddah as Consul General.

The congratulated him on his new position as the president of Euro-Arab Environment Organization’s Regional office in Sub-Saharan Africa in Dakar, Senegal. — SG

April 06, 2017