By Bibi Zainab Dowlut
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Part of glorifying Allah is honouring the grey-haired Muslim.” (Abu Dawud)
Islam, our complete way of life and system of living, has granted each individual dignity. Respect and reverence are never in short supply in our deen. Perhaps however, its followers fall short, and thus I bring you, a quick reminder on caring for the grey-haired Muslim.
As stated in the Holy Qur’an, {And We have certainly honoured the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.} (Chapter 17, verse 70)
Allah has preferred us, and granted us abundant blessings, and amongst these, is the blessing of having the elderly among us. The elderly are actually a blessing.
The elderly have a special station in Islam. They have lived through the various stages of life, they have experienced things the youth are yet to come across, and have come through the thick and thin of the daily struggle of life. They were at the forefront of upholding our faith, the flag bearers and upholders in their youth, and some continue this task even in their old age.
Even if they missed such a golden opportunity to be an ambassador for our faith, they still deserve the respect that Allah has decreed for them.
Some would describe the elderly as a burden, and would gladly dump them in a ‘home’ so that the encumbrance of their care is lifted of their shoulders. Yet, little do we realise the blessings in the elderly.
l They are the means of us existing on earth. Without the elder generation, there wouldn’t be a younger one.
l They are wise and provide great advice and support. They can be a source of comfort in times of difficulty and an eye-opener in times of confusion. Their hindsight and experience is always useful.
l Serving them is an opportunity to earn ample rewards from Allah. So, stock up on your hereafter by helping the elderly, because not an atom’s weight of good goes to waste.
l Upholding the ties of kinship with elderly relatives, may increase your sustenance and your life. The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us, “He who desires that he be granted more provision and his life be prolonged should maintain good ties with his kinship.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
l Caring for them is an opportunity to get their supplication (duaa).
Making someone happy doesn’t just warrant rewards from Allah. Rather the receiver of good often reciprocates with a favour, and sometimes it may something as simple as a duaa of theirs that opens the doors in your life.
l And something that everyone enjoys: the elderly are great story tellers! They weave such intricate and interesting webs that even fidgety children get caught up in.
These are just a few of the many blessings that are found in being in the company of the elderly.
For those elderly who had worshiped Allah, worked hard, and spread goodness in their lives, you should wish to emulate them. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘“The best of you are those who live the longest and do the best deeds.” (Saheeh al-Jaami’)
Let’s not forget the saying of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him), “He is not one of us who does not show mercy to our young ones and respect our old ones.” (At-Tirmidhi)
We must strike a balance, the elderly deserve our care, and the young our attention.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The Most Merciful has mercy on those who are merciful. Be merciful to those who are on earth so that the One Who is in Heaven will have mercy on you.” (At-Tirmidhi)
To be merciful is a means of attaining the mercy of Allah. To be respectful is a means of earning respect from others. Look after your elderly, so that in your old age, the younger generation will look after you.
May Allah soften our hearts towards the elderly, and enable us to serve them.
Let us endeavor to change our attitude towards the elderly and show them the love, attention, and the respect that they deserve.