The two images of children that moved Trump to strike Syria

The two images of children that moved Trump to strike Syria

April 10, 2017

Fatma Al Dubais

Dubai — US newspapers quoted officials as mentioning images of a chemical weapons attack on Syrian civilians that pushed president Donald trump to take the decision of launching 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Syria’s Shayrat air base on Thursday night.

The Washington Post quoted senior administration officials and members of Congress who spoke with Trump as saying the president was especially struck by two images: young, listless children being splashed with water in a frantic attempt to cleanse them of the nerve agent; and an anguished father holding his twin babies, swathed in soft white fabric, poisoned to death.

It added that as the carnage unfolded on cable news, which the president watches throughout the day and deep into the night, Trump turned to his senior staff, talking about how “horrible” and “awful” the footage out of Syria was, said one top adviser.

“What the world saw last night was the United States commander-in-chief, and also a father and grandfather,” Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president, said on Friday. “The world recoiled in horror at babies writhing and struggling to live. And who could avert their gaze — and that includes our very tough, very resolute, very decisive president.”

On Thursday, when a subdued Trump addressed the nation, he spoke of “beautiful babies” cruelly murdered, declaring, “No child of God should ever suffer such horror.” — Al Arabiya English

April 10, 2017