Cultural program at Abu Dhabi book fair

Cultural program at Abu Dhabi book fair

April 11, 2017
Cultural program at Abu Dhabi book fair
Cultural program at Abu Dhabi book fair

Abu Dhabi — The 27th Abu Dhabi International Book Fair (ADIBF), which will take place from April 26 to May 2 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), will feature a unique cultural program that will discuss several aspects of the changes and transformations that have influenced the Arab cultural landscape in recent years.
Through several specialized seminars, the cultural program will address aspects of the UAE’s cultural landscape including sessions on ‘The UAE’s Generations of Creative Writing between Arabic and English’, ‘Narration in the UAE — the Brilliance of the Female Voice’ and a seminar entitled ‘Emirati Poetry and Displaying the Emirati Song’, which recounts the experiences of many great Emirati poets whose poems were turned into songs that contributed to shaping the memories of generations.
Organized by Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi), the book fair’s 27th edition will also highlight ‘The Audiobook Experiences’, which for many years have been helping the blind and the visually impaired. The Audiobook Experience was launched in Abu Dhabi more than 20 years ago as one of the first in the region and most professional and respected Arab experiences.
Additionally, ADIBF aims to disseminate the thirst for reading among visitors through various specialized seminars. Most notably, a panel discussion titled ‘Arab Reading Challenge — Ambassadors of the Future’, which will discuss the largest project in the Arab world to encourage reading among students.
Through its various activities, the ADIBF cultural program seeks to promote the idea of the integration of arts. Prominent musician and music researcher Mustafa Said will present visitors with various musical performances in which they listen to a selection of poems of the great Arab philosopher Ibn Arabi.
In line with China’s participation as ‘Guest of Honour’, Mustafa Said will also contrast and compare Chinese music, with its scale of five notes to Arabic Music in a seminar entitled, ‘Music of China: Ambassador to the World’, an illustration of musical interpretations on string instruments with the participation of the Chinese Music Ensemble.
The Cultural Program will also play homage to the life and works of the philosopher and spiritual teacher Ibn Arabi in his capacity as the ‘Personality of the Year’.
Tunisian singer and songwriter Ghalia Benali will talk about her experience in performing Ibn Arabi’s poems in a seminar entitled ‘Love is My Only Faith’. Ghalia Benali has succeeded in attracting new audiences of Arab listeners to her unique style of Arabic song, through performing the poems of Al Hallaj and Ibn Arabi. Additionally, her success can also be attributed to her ancient Arabic singing style, enthralling audiences with her distinctive performances and mesmerizing voice.
Another of ADIBF’s themes this year will be enrichment of the Arab theatre movement. One of the most important symposia on this subject is the ‘Theatre Away From the Stage’ seminar, a platform in which intellectuals in the field discuss the importance of preserving and restoring traditional theatre scripts to save the Arab theatre movement from falling into the commercial theatre trap.
ADIBF will also celebrate the ‘Pocket Theatre’ by highlighting the Lebanese Pocket Theatre experience. In addition, an ‘Art for All’ seminar will illustrate the success of Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services in supporting the theatrical abilities and talents of people with disabilities, highlighting their accomplishments in competing in Arab theatre festivals and competitions.
The 27th Abu Dhabi International Book Fair begins on Wednesday 26 April with doors opening to the public at 11am, and on other days until 2 May from 9am to 10pm, except on Friday from 4-10pm. — SG

April 11, 2017