Ahmed Al-Hanaki
Al Hayat
MARRIED life is filled with ups and downs no matter how much the husband and wife love one another. Problems are bound to happen. However, parents should ensure that their children do not pay the price for these problems and are not affected. Divorce should never be resorted to unless problems become complicated and cannot be resolved. In Muslim countries, divorce takes place due to reasons relating to polygamy, mistreatment of wives, domestic violence, etc.
Unfortunately, many Muslim men take advantage of the fact that the right to divorce is limited to men. As a result, some of them get married whenever they feel like it and divorce their wives for trivial reasons. These men are ignorant and do not know how Islam strongly opposes divorce and calls on Muslims to avoid it at all costs.
In fact, fathers are one of the reasons for the rising rate of divorce in Gulf countries. If a young man wishes to propose to a young woman, he must talk to her father first and ask for her hand in marriage. Most fathers believe that they know better than their daughters and know what is best for them. They might consent to marriage and convince their daughters to agree, believing that the man is an appropriate match. As a result, divorce occurs after some time. Most marriages that begin in this way, end quickly.
The authorities should issue Shariah-based regulations that require young women to consent to marriage without being coerced. Husbands should agree to all conditions. If they do not abide by the conditions, then they should face the consequences. In this way, husbands would think twice before divorcing their wives. These preventive measures could reduce the number of divorces.
Of course, the help of psychologists and marriage counselors should be sought when necessary. A judge should explain to a married couple who apply for divorce the consequences of their actions and should make them aware of the negative impact of divorce on children.
I believe the laws applicable in the West prevent husbands and wives there from making the mistakes made by Muslims. Divorce in Western countries entails couples dividing their assets. This makes men think twice before divorcing their wives.