Six most useful travel tips

July 29, 2017

Shahd Alhamdan

Saudi Gazette

“PLEASE fasten your seat belts”, is one of the most endearing voices many of us always long to hear when it comes to the summer vacation.

People enjoy visiting new places to relax; yet just one wrong step could ruin the whole trip. Here are six tips that, if followed strictly, will ensure a pleasant summer vacation.


In a world where technology is part of our daily life and the means for communication, following certain instructions when it comes to smart phones is vital. Before boarding the plane check what size and kind of power plugs and voltage are used in the country you are planning to visit. Carry the suitable charger and it is important to bring along an original one so your smartphone does not have charging issues and stop working.

Buying a local SIM card from the country that you are visiting would be much cheaper than paying for the roaming service if you plan to stay for more than three days. Having a portable power bank is advisable. Write emergency numbers in a sheet of paper so even if your phone or computer was stolen or broken, you can call people from other phones.

Stash the cash

When you are in the street try to divide money in different places and pockets as well as in the room. Try to have extra money in your credit card and do not go out with your cards unless you are going for shopping. Stash your money between your clothes, under shoe inserts, or a toiletry bag.

Local people

Although it is advisable not to talk to strangers when traveling alone, if you are with a group try to talk to locals without giving them the details about yourself. It is nice to learn about a country from its people.


When it comes to luggage and packing try to be smart by taking only the necessary clothes and simple ones. Avoid packing accessories, jewelry, extra pairs of shoes and handbags. You always can buy clothes from the country you are visiting. Try to have an extra shirt in your carry-on bag because if you lose the luggage at the airport you have something temporary to wear.


If you were a picky person when it comes to food, bring from your home country some snacks.

Official papers

Try to have copies of your official papers and IDs and also try to contact or at least have the number of your embassy in the country you are visiting in case of emergencies.

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