Archeological mosques tell history of Taif

August 17, 2017
Taif Mosque
Taif Mosque

Saudi Gazette report

TAIF — Taif has many ancient mosques, notably the mosque of the great Sahabi Abdullah Bin Abbas, which is one of the most famous mosques in the city of Taif.

It was established in 592 AH, and is currently located in the heart of Taif and accommodates about 3,000 worshipers, where prayers, gatherings, Eid prayers, seminars and lectures are held.

The mosque witnessed many stages of development in different periods. It was rebuilt and expanded during the Saudi era by King Saud, who expanded and renewed the mosque to meet the landscape of the era. During King Faisal's ruling, the mosque was expanded to 15,000 square meters.

The mosque is considered one of the most important and famous mosques in Taif. It is also called the Mosque of Al-Mawqaf. It is square shaped and about 8 meters long. 7 meters wide and 3 meters high, with an open courtyard of 7 meters in length.

It consists of two sides with a wall and a knotted door. There is also a small "mihrab" or podium and it is surrounded by a fence. There are dozens of carpets inside the mosque and writings in different languages.

The mosque is considered one of the finest mosques, whether in shape, design or style and Islamic inscriptions are there to be seen — inside and outside. It is a magnificent architectural masterpiece that confirms the legacy of construction in ancient history.

It is one of the most famous and oldest mosques in Taif. It is characterized by its construction. Despite the changes and renovations, it is one of the most important ancient mosques.

There are also other archeological mosques, some of which have disappeared while some of which have recently been renovated, such as the mosque of Jarir Al-Bagali.

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