Vision 2030 will take KSA to new heights: Ghamdi

September 26, 2017

Syed Mussarat Khalil

Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH — Vision 2030 will take the Kingdom to new heights Insha’a Allah (God willing) said renowned intellectual, writer and ex-diplomat Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi in his presidential address at function organized by Pakistan Repatriation Council (PRC) on the occasion of 87th anniversary of National day of Saudi Arabia at Mehran restaurant on Saturday.

Hamid-ul-Islam Khan, deputy convener, welcomed all guest and revived PRC’s mission on stranded Pakistanis, stating, “Pakistan will not be complete without the joining of Kashmiris and repatriation of stranded Pakistanis from Bangladesh.”

Dr. Ali Ghamdi thanked PRC for organizing the celebration on the National Day occasion and said, “It is a day not only for Saudis but this is day that all expatriates also celebrates.” He said King Faisal made this day to celebrate as National Day. He remembered attending the first Saudi National Day function held in 1965 in Beach Luxury hotel in Karachi, Pakistan.

He said Pakistanis were the first comers in early 1960 to Saudi Arabia and they contributed a lot to the development of basic infrastructure of Saudi Arabia.

He said Kingdom’s shape came in three stages, which was completed by King Abdul Aziz, who united all the states of Najd, Asir, Hijaz and other states and declared it the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in1932.

His enforcement of Islamic law made this country of peace, harmony and humanity, which also gained credibility in the world.

He praised Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman and Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman for their astute leadership and also praised Vision 2030, which will take the Kingdom to new heights Insha’a Allah.

He said his speech will not be complete until he speaks about the plight of patriotic Pakistanis languishing in Bangladeshi camps since 1971. He hoped that Pakistani rulers will take measures to solve the issue on priority. He said that Islam teaches rulers to give special care to poor and downtrodden people of society and stranded Pakistanis fall in that category, who have been ignored for 45 years.

Chief guest Dr. Abdul Aleem Khan, President Engineers Welfare Forum (EWF), paid rich tribute to King Abdul Aziz and considered him the greatest Muslim thinker and leader of last century.

He said PEC and EWF closely working with Saudi Council of Engineers and Islamic Council of Engineers. He also demanded an early repatriation of stranded Pakistanis.

Guest of honour Raja Mohammad Zareen Khan, member of Kashmir committee Jeddah, said that Saudi Arabia has played very important role in supporting the Kashmiri cause and therefore people of Kashmir are always thankful to the Kingdom.

Well-known scholar and writer Tariq Mahmoud said that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia cooperate in all the fields and work on similar policy due to fraternal relationship.

Choudhry Riaz Ghumman, leader of Pakistan Muslim League (PML-Q) and general secretary of Pak Media Group, praised Kingdom for helping and supporting Pakistan always.

Mohammad Amil Usmani, Mohammad Amanatullah, Shamsuddin Altaf and Shaikh Mohammad Luqman praised King Abdul Aziz for implementing Islamic rule under the guidance of renowned religious scholar Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahab.

Convener Syed Ehsan-ul-Haque thanked all guests and lauded role of King Abdul Aziz and all rulers for leading and serving the Muslim Ummah.

He praised speech of Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi for his speech in UN in which he strongly advocated rights of Kashmiris and handling of Afghanistan. He presented following resolutions, which were approved by the audience:

We urge prime President Mamnoon Hussain to create Pak Saudi Strategic Commission to enhance the bilateral relationship to jointly fight terrorism, improve the quality and magnitude of Manpower, Trade KSA’s Food need, Education, Training, Investment in Construction and industrial ventures, Power & Water Projects, Tourism, Media, Cultural, and Religious sectors.

We urge President Mamnoon Hussain to arrange repatriation and rehabilitation of Pakistanis stranded in Bangladesh. To overcome the paucity of fund to implement PRC proposal of settlement of stranded Pakistanis on self-finance basis. Bangladesh should be included in the committee to play it’s role in solving the issue.

Until repatriation is done Pakistani High Commission at Dhaka should ensure safety and security, provision of food, educational, medical and basic need for Pakistanis stranded in camps. We praise Nawai waqt; OBAT; MWDO; FOH for extending welfare support to them and urge other charitable organizations e.g. Eidhi, Ansar Burney Trusts and those welfare organizations belonging to Jamaat Islami; PML; MQM; Tehrike Insaf; and others to extend financial and basic needs to alleviate their miseries.

We urge President Mamnoon Hussain to remind UN as per its resolution to organize plebiscite in Kashmir according to the will of it’s people. Kashmiris must be included in all the negotiations between Pakistan and India. Indian army must be removed from Kashmir until plebiscite is done

We urge OIC to take urgent measures to press Myanmar rulers to stop of genocide of Rohingya as Muslims and to give them basic right of citizenship. All those migrated to Bangladesh must be settled back in their province of Rakhine and all protection should be provided by UN as was done for the Bosnian Muslims against Serbs. OIC should also extend financial help to Bangladesh to take care of refugees food; shelter and health.

Earlier, the event started by recitation of verses from Holy Qur’an by Qari Abdul Majeed. Naat (glorifying Prophet Muhammad, pbuh) by Ahmed Raza Hashmi. Zamurrad Khan Saifi presented poem. The program was conducted by Syed Mussarat Khalil.

Other guests were Shaikh Salah Al-Rashidy, Mohammad Al-Ghamdi, Ilyas Meher, Engineers Masroor Elahi, Syed Naseeruddin, Khaled Jawed, Mushir Siddiqui, Wasi Imam Saleem Abdi of Burmese Muslim Community.

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