Conscious strategy, discipline crucial for sustainable future

September 27, 2017

By Patricia Hind*

MOST of organizations in the world, including Saudi Arabia, are facing winds of change caused by either economic, technological, demographical, or structural factors. The most important thing for leaders to know is how to manage these changes successfully, as following a trial and error methodology can result in destructive consequences. To avoid this, leaders must understand the dynamic ‘eco-system’ for each company.

From my research in the field of organizational change, I have found that change leaders need to focus on getting four things right in order do their jobs well and meet their organizations’ expectations:

1) Taking time to understand: Leaders need to take time to get an in depth understanding of global challenges and trends and how these impacts our own, and other, organizations

2) Develop a conscious strategy: Leaders are expected to develop a real understanding of how change works in the complex systems of organizations. It is rarely linear and almost never runs according to an inflexible and predictable plan

3) Develop a discipline: Change leaders should develop a discipline that focuses on the actions needed to create the right conditions for innovative change, and for subsequent implementation and follow through

4) Understand your role: As a change leader, it is not enough to understand the environment and bring a discipline to your leadership method, but also you need to understand your own role in change and how you may influence and indeed be influenced by any change initiative, thus impacting outcomes

This latter point is critical. The disciplines of psychology and sociology have long been aware of phenomena such as experimenter and observer effects. These refer to the very real bearing that the presence, expectations and personalities of researchers may bring to the situation. Mahatma Gandhi showed absolute understanding of this when he advised; ‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world’.

Finally, it is important to outline that without a thoughtful and professional understanding of your role and the kind of change you are expected to bring to your organization, you cannot hope to manage and lead change in ways that truly meet organizational needs in volatile times.

It is my belief that the current and future environments pose increased risks for those who continue to only employ traditional and reactive change management processes. However, I also see huge opportunities for those of us who can sense, seize and adapt effectively.

Business schools have a significant role to play here. Our role is to help the leaders to be systematic in understanding the challenges they face, to be self – aware, both as individuals and as organizations, to be strategic in their visions for the future and disciplined in their implementation. We can then be confident that we can support the organizations that we work with towards a responsible and sustainable future.

* The writer is an Academic Director, Executive Masters in Organizational Change, Ashridge Executive Education

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