Five-year jail sought for man who threatened to burn women drivers

November 08, 2017

Abdullah Al-Dani

Okaz/Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH — The prosecution sought five years› imprisonment and a fine of SR3 million for a man who threatened to burn women drivers in a viral social media post.

Following the announcement of the decision to allow women driving in the Kingdom, the man said on his Snapchat account that he would burn any woman he sees driving in the street.

The man›s post went viral and the prosecution sought his arrest to face legal consequences.

Deputy Prosecutor General Saud Al-Mujib said the man should be put on trial and punished according to Section 1, Article 5, of the Cybercrimes Law, as he had used social media to threaten innocent civilians.

Al-Mujib said the man should be sentenced to a maximum of five years in prison or a fine not exceeding SR3 million or both. He said on one would be allowed to disturb public security or strike fear fears in people›s minds.

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