Developing cyber security skills of Saudi students

February 03, 2018

Saudi Gazette report

Riyadh — The Prince Muhammad Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Philanthropic Foundation (MiSK) and the Saudi Federation for Cyber Security and Programming (SFCSP) signed a memorandum of understanding here on Saturday to develop the skills of students, professionals and amateurs in the field of cyber security and programming.

The MoU also includes creating awareness programs in cyber security and programming as well as cooperation in organizing and sponsoring events in these fields.

The SFCSP under the umbrella of the Saudi Olympic Committee strives to build local professional capabilities in the fields of cyber security and programming.

Recently the SFCSP signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Microsoft and another with Cisco Systems.

According to the first MoU, Microsoft will provide knowledge and logistics support to the SFCSP and related activities to local developers and innovators.

The memorandum consists of seven main provisions which stipulate that Microsoft will participate in activities, conferences and competitions with the SFCSP and that it will provide training equipment and curricula for participating members, access to educational resources, and tools, programs and licenses for some of the company’s products. — SG

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