Guinness acknowledges SWCC as the biggest desalination facility

A proud moment

February 09, 2018

Saudi Gazette report.

IT is a very proud moment for the Kingdom. The Guinness Book of Records has acknowledged the Kingdom’s Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) as the biggest seawater desalination facility in the world with production reaching 5 million cubic meters per day.

Minister of Water and Electricity and SWCC Chairman Abdulrahman Al-Fadli received the Guinness World Records Certificate presented by the Guinness Book of World Records in Al-Khobar, Saudi Press Agency said on Friday.

This coincided with the 118th meeting of the SWCC board of directors held in Al-Khobar governorate on Thursday.

The meeting was chaired by Al-Fadli. Also present were SWCC Governor Ali Bin Abdulrahman Al-Hazmi and other board members.

Al-Fadli congratulated SWCC personnel for increasing production of desalinated water to 5 million cubic meters per day. He said that this supports the Kingdom’s pioneering status throughout the world in the field of developing the desalination industry. This also reflects the keenness of the government to provide the means for a comfortable life for the Kingdom’s population and visitors. He lauded the leading role of SWCC in providing water security as a basic structure for development, which is one of the goals of Vision 2030.

The meeting discussed a number of subjects including security, safety and environment reports of last year. It also discussed the most prominent accomplishments of SWCC’s new financial system. The board reviewed the stages reached in the SWCC initiatives within the National Transformation Program, apart from the initiative to enhance performance values and culture in the corporation.

The meeting discussed efforts exerted by the research institute and its research programs to raise the efficiency of functioning desalination plants and to create new economic technologies to support the desalination industry. The board was briefed on the initiatives and works of the operation and maintenance sector.

Al-Fadli lauded the role of SWCC in serving the Guests of Allah and its contribution to achieving the record production.

The board approved several recommendations including the financial lists for the 2015-16 workers’ commercial account and the external auditor’s report.

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