Al-Madina Newspaper
What do we lack to be at the top of the list of developed countries? Do we lack money or is it manpower and natural resources? Do we lack a foundation that is based on civilization and history to build our future upon, or do we lack ethics and values? Is it the case that efficiency or technology is amiss? Do we need five-year plans or new initiatives? These things are repeatedly mentioned in conferences, but what is actually missing?
Seeing other countries progress internationally makes me wonder about my country. Why have we not progressed in the same way? What is it that we are missing that does not allow us to take steps forward and instead forces us to remain behind?
It is all about the desire, courage and capability to change. Money, time, effort and efficiency are not enough to improve and change. If we repeat processes ourselves, we will never progress. Daring without hesitation is what we need these days. We have the possibility as well as the capability to improve and develop.
Lee Kuan Yew, the former prime minister of Singapore who led the country’s transformation, said: “Persuasion is not enough. We needed well-organized institutions, well qualified in guidance and administration. We decided to focus on important things and big things. As we guided our investigation office depending on our priorities, we finally simplified the procedures and cancelled secret practices through clear guidance plans.”
We should believe in ourselves as we now have Vision 2030 which covers all areas. It has introduced the real meaning of hope and ambition for a better future, accompanied with digital goals and milestones. The project is seriously followed step by step by different governmental entities. A real desire exists to improve and develop society’s culture and behavior.
Commitment, determination and trust are what we really lack to achieve this Vision that will radically change our future.