Jamia Nizamia alumni felicitates Dr. Mustafa Shareef

March 05, 2018

Syeda Amtul

Saudi Gazette

— “Today the Muslim world is facing many problems, and in this situation Muslims should repent from the depths of their hearts with regards to their past misdeeds, and be fearful with regards to the remaining period of their lives.

“Allah (SWT) accepts the repentance of a believer for as long as he is not at the point of death. He (or she) who repents of a sin is like him who has committed no sin. Indeed Allah (SWT) loves a believing servant who sins and then realizes his mistake and greatly repents with a true heart and seeks His forgiveness, mercy, and intends with a true heart to never repeat the sin,” said Maulana Dr. Mustafa Sharif.

Sharif is a former head of Arabic language department and former Dean of faculty of Arts and Science, Osmania University. He was speaking at a function to welcome pilgrims organized by the alumni association of Jamia Nizamia, “Bazme Tulba-E-Qadeem W Muhibban-E-Jamia Nizamia,” recently at a local restaurant here.

He was a special guest of the evening. He further added “Many people face distraction while performing salah as Shaitan will try to distract you during prayer and such distractions will make you think of different things during prayer. If you want to be focused in salah, then try to increase its time.”

He said, “Today’s Muslim is away from Deen, like fasting, prayers and ‘Azkar’, Performing Dhikr is an action of worship. Dhikr is truly one of the easiest acts of worship that simultaneously has insurmountable amount of rewards and benefits in this world and the next is the remembrance of Allah. Dhikr is also a means of seeking forgiveness from Allah and being purified of our sins. Allah Almighty says to that the state of His remembrance is a greater act than anything the person may be doing. Unfortunately today’s Muslim youth is unaware of all this.”

While addressing the gathering the alumni president, Mohammed Naveed Afroz Naveed emphasized on the need of unity among Muslim Ummah in today’s world. He said “Unity is life while dissociation is like death to us.”

Maulana Dr. M.Safiullah Khan from Jamia Nizamia and asst. Prof of M.K.M College also attended the event as a special guest.

The program commenced with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Qur’an by Hafiz and Qari Noor Naqshbandi and Mir Barkat Ali followed by a Na’at Shareef by Hafiz Mohd Salim Qadri.

Maulana Hafiz Muhammad Nizamuddin Ghouri compered the program. Later shawls and plaques were presented to the guests by the president of alumni association Afroz.

Hafiz Mohd Salim Qadri recited some beautiful couplets, which were written by his own student, Hafiz Syed Shah Khalellullah Owais Bukhari. In his poetry Bukhari described Dr. Mustafa Sharif’s life.

Syed Mohd Abdul Rab Hamid Qadri, VP finance committee; Mir Mohd Ali, Abdul Rasheed, Mohd Ameenuddin Ansari, Khalid Hussain Madani, Abdul Rahman M. Baig, Mirza Qudrat Nawaz Baig, Syed Azeez, Liaqat Ali Khan, Mohd Minhaj, Mohammed Yousufuddin Waheed and Syed Zakir Qadri were among the guests.

The program concluded with supplication for world’s peace and prosperity by Dr. Mustafa Sharif.

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