Educational opportunities abound for returning Indian students

March 21, 2018

By Mir Mohsin Ali

— The Indian students, who are returning back in large numbers from Saudi Arabia, have ample opportunities to enroll in schools easily to continue their education.

This was stressed here this weekend in a seminar and felicitation conducted by the Hindustani Bazme Urdu at Pak House Restaurant, where large number of Indians and their families attended.

Visiting guest speaker Dr. Abdul Qadeer, educationist was in Riyadh on an invitation of Abdul Hameed, president, HBU, and highlighted the opportunities in continuing their education seamlessly.

Children of Indian expatriates who are going back to India can continue their studies and some of whom who want to continue their studies along with pursuing Hifzul Qur’an have ample options in India.

Many institutions have best facilities to offer this to the children returning home. One such group is the Shaheen Group of Institutions with schools in Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh, Shaheen Group schools are fully equipped with modern facilities and they blend this modernity with Islamic education.

The group started with a few students in Bidar and expanded to UP. The group now plans to start a school in Bihar very soon.

Shaheen Group offers extensive facilities for huffaz and regular children of NRIs based in Bidar in Karnataka state and it aims to prepare the children to compete and excel in field of modern education like medicine, engineering and law etc.

Founder and Chairman of Shaheen Group and Secretary Allama Iqbal Education Bidar in Karnataka Dr. Abdul Qadeer was in Riyadh for three days to address the gathering. He said the institute is started with a single room with a very few students in Bidar now it has expanded with 16,000 students. Students from 7 countries are currently studying at the school.

He said the group offers coaching for national and state level competitive examination like NEET, AIPMT, KCET, NTSC and IIT-JEE under strict Islamic environment.

He said education is an important tool to uplift the minority and other community, and the school provides a chance to all the students including those from poor communities and others who have dropped out, to become doctor, engineer etc. and to compete with other professionals in the modern world.

Chief Guest Dr. Hifzur Rahman Azmi, first secretary, Embassy of India, appreciated Qadeer for his educational services rendered by the Shaheen Group. He adviced that girls should be given the highest level of education so that they, in turn, can give education to their children.

HBU President Hameed gave a Power Point presentation and introduced the Shaheen Group. He said that the Qadeer has been offering education to drop out students and that was commendable. He added, most of the parents here are worried about higher education for their children and Shaheen, in their own way, is providing relief for hundreds of NRIs.

Dr. Hifzur Rahman Azmi presented a plaque to Dr. Abdul Qadeer. Flower bouquets were also presented to the guests.

Taqiuddin Mir Fazal, vice president, welcomed the gathering and introduced Dr. Abdul Qadeer. Mohammed Farooqui Shabaz, general secretary, conducted the proceedings.

Hafiz Khaja Aleemuddin recited verses from the Holy Qur’an at the start of the event, and Ghouse Arsalan proposed the vote of thanks.

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