Contaminated water upsets residents of district in Taif

May 07, 2018

Badr Al-Quthami

Okaz/Saudi Gazette

TAIF – Residents of Siteen District in the northern part of the city have complained about the frequent sanitary sewer overflow on the streets, which formed pools of dirty water everywhere that helps in the spread of diseases.

Residents continue to blame the National Water Company (NWC) for air pollution and pools of water, calling upon authorities to end their suffering and implement a drainage project in the neighborhood.

Nawaf A. said the residents have suffered for the last ten years as a result of contaminated water and sewage overflow, calling upon the NWC to take swift action to solve the problem instantly. Residents are constantly worried about the spread of contamination and pollution.

Sultan Al-Dahasi held the NWC responsible for the problem. He said contaminated water pools can be seen everywhere. The majority of residents think seriously about moving to another neighborhood, where they can breathe cleaner air.

Muhammad Al-Otaibi said he would sue the NWC for contaminated water pools and its failure to implement a sewer network.

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