Jeddah, Madinah airports busy with pilgrims’ arrival flights

July 25, 2018

Director General of Passports Maj. Gen. Sulaiman Al-Yahya inspects an immigration counter for pilgrims at the Haj terminal in Jeddah. — SPA
Director General of Passports Maj. Gen. Sulaiman Al-Yahya inspects an immigration counter for pilgrims at the Haj terminal in Jeddah. — SPA

Saudi Gazette report

— As of Monday 185,360 pilgrims had arrived in Madinah, Madinah-based National Pilgrim Guide Foundation announced in its daily statistics.

The statistics reported that 159,599 pilgrims remained in Madinah and the others left for Makkah.

The Madinah airport Haj lounge is able to accommodate 3,800 arriving and 3,500 departing passengers an hour.

The General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) said it has prepared 14 travel lounges at Madinah airport consisting of 192 immigration counters, 18 gates and 10 conveyer belts.

The airfield at Madinah airport can simultaneously accommodate 26 aircraft.

So far Turkish pilgrims lead other nationalities in Madinah with 38,318, followed by Indonesia with 34,968, India with 25,267 pilgrims, Pakistan 21,585, and Afghanistan 10,518 pilgrims.

Chairman of private organization for guides Hatim Bali expected 1.8 million pilgrims to visit Madinah this Haj.

The General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) said that up to Sunday 54,619 pilgrims had arrived at Jeddah airport aboard 278 flights, registering an increase of 28% from last year.

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