
Suspending e-services, a painful story

September 02, 2018
Suspending e-services, a painful story

Ibrahim Ali Naseeb

Madinah newspaper

A WOMAN once texted me asking whether I was the one who wrote a letter to the labor minister to talk about people’s suffering from the fees. I told her that it was me. She then texted me asking if I could write about two subjects, the first one on the fees and the other one on suspending or freezing the electronic services (Absher account) for people. Both of them are the main points of suffering for people. Both have affected people terribly and surrounded them with two choices only, the first one is to pay and the second one is also to pay. Those who cannot pay will endure huge pain. Many people are suffering from the fees and suspending electronic services.

Faisal is a victim of the bank. He is having a miserable life after his electronic services account was suspended. His family was deprived of his salary for more than two years and he has no choice but to bear in silence. He believes that the only way to escape from this suffering is to die. Faisal is a normal citizen, a family man, a father. His case with the bank, which led later to freeze his electronic account, is a terrible and sad one. He believes that he faced injustice. He filed a complaint against the bank but the case has still not been solved. His story is a different one and it put him in this predicament. I am writing about his case and suffering in a hope that his misery will be over one day.

I am with applying the system and against any injustice to people. I do not wish that banks get a chance to torture people. Faisal is one of many people like him. I wish the ministry of labor looks in the case of fees and for the ministry of justice to put an end to people’s suffering from suspension of their electronic service account.

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