
Qatar’s ‘mad cow disease’!

October 10, 2018
Qatar’s ‘mad cow disease’!

Jameel Altheyabi

They spread fake news about the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. They all tweet almost the same tweets simultaneously with confidence. No one speaks about such “irrefutable facts” except those who are deeply involved in a crime. In criminology, investigators expose criminals by probing such things.

We are always told to look for who benefits from a crime. We have all read about and watched the band of Qataris and Muslim Brotherhood. They are the biggest liars, as they circulate lies about Jamal’s disappearance. They just disseminate lies and fabrications.

Their hysteria has reached such a level of inhumanity and lack of professionalism that they are ready to circulate fake stories about finding his mutilated body. They have no qualms in spreading such fabrications via tweets and even on their media channels!

Khashoggi has never been a callous dissident. Indeed, his recent tweets indicated his wish to return to his country. At this point, one should search for those who gain the most by raising such a noise and orchestrating such a media circus following his disappearance with the intention of disparaging the Kingdom’s image. They clearly intend to take advantage of this situation for disgraceful political purposes.

There are still many questions that remain to be answered. Most important of which is: “What is behind the spreading by Qatari-Muslim Brotherhood elements of such stories on Jamal’s disappearance at this particular time and blaming Saudi Arabia for it?”

This brings to mind a similar scenario on the alleged disappearance of Abu Adas and the spreading of lies by the Qatari Al-Jazeera satellite channel at that time. The objective was to implicate Saudi Arabia in Abu Adas’ disappearance and hence distort the Kingdom’s image globally. However, the facts subsequently became evident. It later turned out that the satellite channel and its correspondents were involved in staging this drama.

A question arises: Why did they specifically choose Istanbul as the place for Khashoggi’s disappearance? And not Washington, for example, where he has been living for the past 15 months?

What was the role of his alleged fiancé Khadija? What is her relationship with Qatari and Turkish intelligence? The facts will surface subsequently. The results of investigations will be announced. Those involved in the drama of Jamal’s disappearance after leaving the Saudi Consulate will face severe penalties.

It is most likely that the Pariah Doha is involved in this. There was nothing left with which to create a crisis against Saudi Arabia, but to commit crimes in order to attempt to damage its reputation. The regime of the Two Hamads has been striving for the past 22 years to achieve this end!

Everyone knows that there is a Saudi opposition in London. They hurl abuses and insults, fabricate lies, incite animosity and attack the symbols of the country day and night. But no one has paid any attention to them. They have said what Khashoggi and others have not said. In his latest tweet, Kassab Al-Otaibi bears witness to this. He has opposed his country for 20 years and nobody has threatened or attempted to punish him.

The malicious and sick Qatari media are circulating fabricated lies, which they wish were true, in order to further their agenda against the Kingdom. However, at the same time this only serves to increase suspicions about Qatar’s involvement.

In the case of Khashoggi, Saudis know that their country is concerned about them and it is a high priority to learn what happened to one of its citizens. In this regard, Saudi investigators have wasted no time in traveling to Istanbul. Saudi Arabia does not accept that groups of Muslim Brotherhood, Qatari and nationalist zealots as well as hypocrites, mercenaries, hirelings and profiteers are in any way concerned about Saudi citizens because it is clear that what they are doing us merely spreading lies and fabrications.

The Kingdom rejects any attempts by any country or whatever authority to politicize the issue of Jamal’s disappearance prior to the appearance of official information on the details of his disappearance.

In this connection, the statement by the Saudi Consul General refutes all lies and fabrications. The consulate has granted members of the media freedom of movement inside the consulate. It opened every room and cupboard for the media. This confirms the Kingdom’s confidence in its position as well as in its policies. In this regard, Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman asserted: “We have nothing to hide!”

History shows that the Kingdom has never detained anyone in any of its diplomatic missions and has never carried out an abduction or assassination.

It is regrettable that irresponsible statements were issued by some Turkish officials. This led to hasty judgments based on false accusations rather than facts, until Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged all to wait until the results of an official investigation were issued.

Turkey remains responsible for Khashoggi’s safety, as he disappeared on its territory. Turkey will be dogged by accusations if it does not present evidence that absolves it of any blame!

What is certain is that the dubious efforts by the Qataris and the Muslim Brotherhood via social media, as well as their hostile mobilization and incitement with regard to Khashoggi’s disappearance, confirm their involvement in his disappearance.

Furthermore, Doha’s continued sheer political recklessness which is that of a lawless renegade gang, which has been the case since the Two Hamads regime took power in Qatar after the coup Hamad Bin Khalifa staged against his father, also show that they were involved in Khashoggi’s disappearance. The coming days are set to expose the cronies of the Two Hamads and the Muslim Brotherhood groups.

Meanwhile, our best wishes are for Jamal’s safety!

— The author is the editor-in-chief of Okaz. Follow him on Twitter: @JameelAlTheyabi

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