eBooks for a special reading experience

November 07, 2018

Shahd Alhamdan

Saudi Gazette

With the growth of digital revolution, environmental protection groups are trying to convince societies to go paperless through recycling old papers, use digital documents, and reading eBooks.

These groups are trying to enhance the awareness of people about the importance of using eBooks to save trees.

Several studies were released to encourage readers to buy digital books and focus on the benefit of this new habit when it comes to saving space, time, and money.

On the other hand, a study that was published in “Huffingtonpost” website stated that textbooks still have promising future and millennials are still into these traditional realm.

Since the debate about textbooks versus digital ones is still ongoing, Saudi Gazette is suggesting to its reader to move to a digital world, and generate a new experience though downloading one of these reading applications in your smartphones or tablets.

Kobo Books

This application has eBook or audiobooks, graphic novels, and children's books. This application will allow the reader to customize the way you read and enjoy crisp, clear text in the size and style you prefer. It is available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, or Japanese. Some of the application users have stated that so far they still has problems keeping track of where you have reached.


Users can download it for free in their smartphone. Kindle has more than a million titles to choose from. With this application readers can have the option of bookmarks and highlighting notes.

Bluefire Reader

It is another free app with different interesting books. Readers can benefit from plenty of setting options including, the night mode and looking up definitions.

Cool Reader

If the reader still prefers buying textbooks, this app may change their mind since it has page flipping animation option that might give you a similar experience of reading a tangible book. Another option is having bookmarks on text fragments were the users have the chance to add comments or corrections. The app will also load a long text file from the very nicely built in file browser.

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