
Tehran suffocating

November 08, 2018
Tehran suffocating

Ahmed Awad

Okaz newspaper

Hungry people will have a different opinion when the rope is tightened around their necks and life becomes miserable beyond imagination.

THE fifth of November was not an ordinary day. On that day, the dealings with a terror regime changed. The dream of the Iranian leaders to control the entire region was put to an end.

The sequence of destroying projects established by this terrorist regime has begun. The sanctions started to close down the channels of funds funneled through to spread terror and chaos in the region.

The United States imposed tough economic sanctions on Iran, the effects of which are expected to rally support for an uprising against the regime, speeding up its fall. This regime cannot be a normal one because it is founded on myths.

The sanctions will no doubt bring Tehran to its knees and prevent it from interfering in the affairs of other countries. The Iranian leaders will face challenges internally and anti-government demonstrations will intensify.

The regime will try to hold on to two cities that support its legitimacy and justify its existence, namely Tehran and Mashhad.

Hungry people will have a different opinion when the rope is tightened around their necks and life becomes miserable beyond imagination.

The first window of Iran is Iraq. Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi has said in clear terms that Baghdad will honor the US sanctions.

The second window is actually living under the burden of sanctions and are trying to solve their own problems. The third window is trying to get an exception from the White House for weeks.

This only means that the terrorist government in Tehran is suffocating as it does not have any allies that can save it.

If the sanctions are applied successfully, then this regime will not survive for long. The situation will go out of control and the country will be in total chaos — the same chaos that the regime was trying to export for a long time. The elimination of this regime only means purifying the region of one of the corrupt governments that supported radicals and extremists in the Middle East and the biggest country that harbors militants.

The post-2001 world order did not want to confront the reality that this regime was the main source of destruction in the region, and instead spent most of its efforts trying to change the mindset of this regime. The reality is no one can change the mindset of terrorism. The United States under the presidency of Donald Trump saw the best way to discipline this regime in imposing tough solutions. This regime will crumple from inside and in the hands of its own people.

Tehran spread chaos in the region. Now it is backfiring and the Iranian regime cannot escape from it.

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