A series of explosive parcels recently worried America, and then only days later a terrorist incident led to the death of Jewish worshipers in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. These events are the result of a climate of rising hatred, which is no longer limited to America alone, but has spread like a deadly virus around the world in a stunning and terrifying way.
Hatred has found its goal in modern technology. Those who have had feelings of hatred that they have kept to themselves have now discovered through social networking sites that they are not alone. All terrorist groups attract their members through social networks, including terrorist organizations, such as Daesh (the self-proclaimed IS), Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda.
Some of those who harbor such hatred do so in the name of religion and divide people into believers and infidels, while others do so in the name of nationalism and patriotism.
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) considers extremist nationalists to be as dangerous as members of Daesh. The atmosphere of hatred is increased as people broadcast interpretations on the purity of their faith and the superiority of one group over another, the purity of race or region or tribe and questioning the “origins” of citizens. Allowing such an atmosphere to remain unchecked and unpunished will in time provide a fertile environment for terrorism and murder.
Today’s hatred no longer only targets Muslims, but also affects Hispanics, Jews, East Asians and Africans. I look at what is happening in America and compare it to what is happening in the Arab world. I have also observed some of the aggressive rhetoric used in the runup to the recent US midterm elections, as well as the attempts by some to save their country from the danger of hatred and its consequences.
There are countries and people who are aware of the danger of hatred and the importance of providing an early response to it. In these countries deterrent laws have been introduced and applied seriously and firmly, but then, on the other hand, there are those who deal with this challenge with silk gloves.
“Nationalism”, “maintaining one’s identity” and “ethnicity protection” are all slogans full of doubt, anxiety, fear and suspicion, which are contrary to morality, human instinct and common sense. The atmosphere and the environment of hatred is one in which only parasites can live and it must be fought against. We must try to remember that in the recent tragic massacre in Pittsburgh, the racist terrorist who was the murderer of the Jews was himself shot and injured by the police and the first who came to his rescue and to treat him were three Jewish doctors.
People of hatred cannot survive without directing their negative energies toward a particular group. Hatred is their life and it is an end that justifies all means. Such people can change their skins and they change their slogans, but in the end they remain creatures of hate.