
What are we all looking for?

February 26, 2019
What are we all looking for?

Fawzia Al-Shihri


EVERYBODY has different goals and aspirations. Each one of us takes different routes but walks toward the same destination.

Have you ever thought about why we want to hold prestigious jobs? Or why do we work so hard to build good relationships with people around us? Why do we travel or go on vacation? Why? Why? Why? We will ultimately reach a simple answer. Our goal from all of this is to experience happiness. All of us want happiness and search for it through different ways.

Each one of us sees happiness from a different perspective, however. Some sees it in wealth while others see it in their excellent career performance or in their helping mentality.

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. Aristotle once said only the good people will live happily and no one can be good except by being virtuous.

Seekers of happiness are not going to find it if they gave up on their values and religion. Or if they stopped listening to that sincere voice from inside, which is the conscience.

Whoever wants to be respected and appreciated must stick to the noble values throughout their life.

The phenomenon of shifting values and ephemeral ethics is one of the biggest problems we face today. It is the result of many people alternating their minds between the right and wrong according to the circumstances — place, people, or personal interest.

Be true to who you are and create your own happiness. Let integrity be your trait to a happy life. Integrity is actually in doing the right thing while knowing that nobody is going to find out whether you did it or not.

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