Saudi Arabia, US security agencies investigating Florida crime

December 07, 2019
A general view of the atmosphere at the Pensacola Naval Air Station following a shooting on Dec.06, 2019 in Pensacola, Florida. (AFP)
A general view of the atmosphere at the Pensacola Naval Air Station following a shooting on Dec.06, 2019 in Pensacola, Florida. (AFP)

RIYADH — Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its deep distress regarding the incident in which a Saudi student in Florida opened fire, killing 3 people and injuring multiple American residents.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs offered its sincere condolences to the victims’ families, and wishes the injured a speedy recovery.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that the perpetrator of this horrific attack does not represent the Saudi people whatsoever. The American people are held in the highest regard by the Saudi people.

Building upon the strong ties between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America, and in continuation of the ongoing cooperation between the two countries’ security agencies, the Saudi security agencies will provide full support to the US authorities to investigate the circumstances of this crime. — SPA

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