RIYADH — The Saudi enforcement judiciary has received over 1.4 million applications, issued over 2 million decisions, and processed over 373,000 e-payments since February 2018, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) announced.
“The paid invoices cover about SR3.2 billion of the total financial claims,” the ministry said.
“The e-payment service has enabled enforcement debtors to pay the amounts electronically through the SADAD system, without the need for checks, banknotes or court visits,” MoJ explained.
According to the ministry, a total of 223,100 commercial papers and 137,879 judicial provisions were fulfilled through the e-payment system.
“The implementation of the system has contributed to improving the Kingdom’s ranking in the contract enforcement international indicator,” the ministry added.
“From repayment of claim to deposit into the applicant’s account, the process takes no more than 24 hours.” — SPA