JEDDAH — Schneider Electric’s Whitepaper 281 emphasizes that to extract the full value of Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM), “it is essential that the right processes are in place and that they are adapted as technologies and operations evolve over time,” noting that DCIM enables greater collaboration and resiliency.
Next-generation DCIM platforms are defined by five key attributes, which clearly differentiate them from legacy data center management systems:
1. Relies on cloud technologies for ease of implementation, scalability, analytics and maintenance
2. Connects to a data lake enabling insight & event prediction with AI
3. Utilizes mobile and web technologies and integrates with third party platforms
4. Prioritizes simplicity and intuitive user experiences in its design
5. Serves as a compliance tool to identify and eliminate potential cyber security risks
Through adoption of next-generation DCIM architectures such as EcoStruxure, today’s facility managers can ensure maintenance upgrades and service schedules perform at optimum levels. EcoStruxure also allows partners and service providers to more easily extend their visibility and manage multiple edge sites across a larger geographical area; delivering real-time alerts and updates that allow users to proactively mitigate unplanned downtime from anywhere, at any time and on any device.
White Paper #281 titled “Essential Guidance on DCIM for Edge Computing Infrastructure”, further also highlighted the need for a carefully considered Operations and Maintenance (O&M) program, enabling the software to operate in close collaboration with other similarly structured O&Ms across the edge computing environment. This makes maintenance and management more simplified, allowing automated device firmware, bug fixes and security patches to update proactively, in real-time.
Using innovative technologies including AI and Machine Learning (ML), these platforms ensure that distributed IT equipment deployed in remote locations, which lack IT staff, are proactively monitored to drive resilience and uptime.
“Next-generation DCIM architectures, such as EcoStruxure IT, utilize data analytics, open APIs and integration with other vendor applications to provide unprecedented insight into edge and micro data center environments,” said Kevin Brown, senior vice president of Innovation and CTO, Secure Power Division, Schneider Electric. “However, successful DCIM deployments also require organizational buy-in and ongoing cooperation between stakeholders. — SG