
Political plumbing!

January 13, 2020
Political plumbing!

Hussein Shobokshi

US President Donald Trump continues to state that he is the most supportive president of Israel in history, which is something that the Israeli government constantly reiterates, but despite all of this unprecedented support the large Jewish community in America suffers from a record and historic rise in hate crimes and anti-Semitism.

It is a dilemma for Trump's supporters that his praise for Israel in an attempt to win over fundamentalist right-wing evangelical Christian voters also gives voice to extreme white racism against all ethnic and religious minorities. We must remember that racism that envelops patriotism or religiosity soon drops its mask quickly to show its ugly face. This is what is happening now in some Western countries. Voices rise bearing the slogans of love for the homeland and at the same time generate political and social paradigms filled with everything that contradicts the constitutional rights upon which these states were founded.

The same is happening in the Middle East as Iran and Turkey in the name of religion, although each with its completely different version, support destructive and extremist forces and terrorist militias. They claim to support the oppressed and protect religion, while in fact their objective is an expansionist sectarian project to revive previous empires. In order to achieve this end, they do not care how many lives are lost and lies are promoted.

Today we see the same happening in India, the largest democracy in the world and a model of the success of secularism and the civil state. The nation’s political apparatus and government have been penetrated by elements of the extremist Hindu fundamentalist group RSS, and have begun to introduce extremist policies and legislation which has led to widespread public anger and protests. India has an extreme sensitivity to extremism. The founder of modern Indian independence Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Hindu extremists, Indira Gandhi at the hands of Sikh extremists, and Rajiv Gandhi at the hands of Tamil extremists.

Racism is a cancer that affects all people, and this explains racist hysteria on soccer fields and in anti-minority legislation. However, there is a global reaction to it and every racist will be revealed as racism is social harassment rejected by nature. In the era of social media, it is no longer possible to cover it up.

"Political plumbing" is the need to open the clogged areas in the economic, political and social "pipes" before they "explode" and of finding a balance between the rights that preserve dignity and stability. This is a delicate balance, but success in finding it brings great good.

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