Saudi Arabia welcomes Germany’s decision to list Hezbollah as terror outfit

April 30, 2020

RIYADH — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomed the Federal Republic of Germany’s decision to list Hezbollah militia group as a terrorist organization, and to ban all activities on its soil.

The Ministry noted the importance of this step in the national and international counter-terrorism framework efforts, and reaffirmed the international community needs to take a similar decision to maintain international peace and security.

Germany on Thursday officially announced that it has outlawed activities by the Iranian-backed Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah. In a departure from Berlin’s previous policy, which was based on the European Union’s stance, the new ban does not differentiate between the group’s military and political wings.

Hezbollah activities “violate criminal law and the organization opposes the concept of international understanding,” said German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer.

Early on Thursday morning, German police raided four groups associated with Hezbollah in various locations across the country to ensure that “evidence of potential sub-organizations in Germany could not be destroyed when this ban was announced,” the Interior Ministry said.

Since there is no formal German branch of Hezbollah, Berlin cannot outlaw the organization as such, according to a Interior Ministry statement. Hence the government undertook to ban Hezbollah’s activities, which has the same legal consequences, the statement explained.

Thursday’s announcement did not come as a surprise, as lawmakers and government officials have long been working on a ban of the group. In December, the Bundestag passed with a large majority a non-binding resolution calling on the government to ban Hezbollah activities.

The US, the UK, the Netherlands and several Arab states already recognize the organization in its entirety as a terrorist organization. —SPA/Agencies

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