Saudi Arabia strongly condemns terror attack on Kabul mosque

June 12, 2020
Afghan men inspect inside a mosque after a terror attack in Kabul in this file picture.
Afghan men inspect inside a mosque after a terror attack in Kabul in this file picture.

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH — Saudi Arabia expressed strong condemnation of the terrorist attack that targeted a mosque during Friday prayers in the Afghan capital, Kabul, resulting in deaths and injuries.

In a statement carried by Saudi Press Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs extended heartfelt
condolences and sympathy to all the families of the victims, the government and the brotherly Afghan people, and wished a speedy recovery for the injured.

The ministry stressed the Kingdom's position that denounces targeting of the places of worship, intimidating the innocent, and shedding the blood of innocent people. It affirmed the Kingdom's support for Afghanistan against all forms of violence, extremism and terrorism regardless of motives or justifications.

Earlier in the day, a bomb exploded inside a mosque in western Kabul, killing at least four people, including the prayer leader, and wounding eight, an Afghan government official said.

A spokesman of the country’s Interior Ministry said the bomb had been placed inside the mosque but he had no additional details. Police cordoned off the area and helped move the wounded to ambulances and nearby hospitals.

No terrorist group has so far claimed responsibility for the blast.

The United Arab Emirates also strongly condemned the Kabul mosque attack.

in a statement, the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation affirmed utter condemnation of these criminal acts and rejection of all forms of violence aimed at destabilizing security and stability, in contravention of the religious and human values and principles.

The UAE foreign ministry also expressed sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

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