MoJ holds 1.9m hearings in 12 months

August 20, 2020
The Ministry of Justice headquarter in Riyadh
The Ministry of Justice headquarter in Riyadh

RIYADH — The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said Thursday that it handled 10.6 million operations in the past 12 months, carrying on despite the COVID-19 lockdown. Through its e-services portal, the MoJ saved clients time and effort, and contributed to their safety.

The judiciary held nearly 1.9 million hearings, and issued over 750,000 rulings. Moreover, enforcement courts received over 600,000 applications for a total of SR133 billion, issued one million decisions, and took 2.4 million enforcement measures.

In the notarization sector, nearly four million operations were carried out, including two million for powers of attorney (PoAs) and declarations, 450,000 for revocation of PoAs, and 1.5 million for property transactions.

The ministry’s portal played a major role by providing 120 services remotely, reaching more than 2.2 million clients. New e-services were launched, such as remote authentication of hearing minutes, digital judgments, electronic exchange of briefs, electronic PoAs, remote training, and e-conveyance of property.

The ministry also enabled comprehensive enforcement e-services, including deposit of checks remotely; and launched a platform for enforcement instruments (, and another for e-auctions (

The MoJ also launched the Judicial Command Center, which digitally monitors the work of courts and notarial offices; and the Najiz Judicial Services Center, which delivers about 100 services under one roof, in flexible working hours. — SG

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