RIYADH — The World Health Organization (WHO) has received from the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) a shipment of medicines and medical supplies to combat dengue fever and malaria in Yemen.
The medical aid, which is sufficient for more than 71,000 treatment courses, 76,000 rapid diagnostic tests for malaria, and 25,000 rapid diagnostic tests for dengue, will be distributed in several Yemeni governorates based on their needs and the population density.
The WHO seeks, through its effective partnership with KSrelief, to protect and enhance the health situation in various Yemeni regions, and to provide protection and assistance to Yemeni citizens.
It is noteworthy that KSrelief has launched several initiatives and various programs targeting more than one Yemeni governorate to prevent epidemic diseases, especially malaria and dengue fever, which includes a number of activities, including: spray campaigns, field trips, campaigns to discover and combat reproductive hotspots, and study the epidemiological situation, in coordination with Ministry of Public Health and Population.
The aid comes within the framework of the humanitarian and relief efforts carried out by Saudi Arabia represented by KSrelief for Yemenis to alleviate their suffering. — SG