By Wael Al Amri
As the Disability Inclusion Program Lead at Aramco, I know first-hand that life for a person with a disability is not very different from other people. Yes, the disability is there, but what is important is how we deal with it, and how others interact with us.
Disability is not a cause for pity or sympathy, and certainly not a reason to be neglected or be uncomfortable. It is a natural part of the human experience.
Joining Aramco 8 years ago was an interesting challenge for me, and amazingly, my disability was not the challenging part.
To my surprise and delight, I collaborated daily with colleagues who valued me based on the quality of my work, and I was indeed challenged, empowered and given autonomy, which continues to expand my potential to this day.
Widespread understanding and positive attitudes toward People with Disabilities (PwD) are very important to the advancement of our communities and economies. Providing support and displaying confidence in their abilities on a level consistent with non-disabled colleagues are important parts of creating inclusive workplaces.
With the proper resources in place, PwD can excel in their careers and continue to be recruited and hired in greater numbers, based on the value they contribute. Moreover, they can take on more responsibilities and challenges as they progress toward leadership in many organizations.
PwD do not lack in ambition or professional ability. On the contrary, PwD tend to be more ambitious and determined to contribute and be active members in their communities and economies. The major barrier tends to be the attitudes of others and their poorly informed perceptions of disability.
For example, there are 1.3 billion PwD globally, that is 15% of the world population, and one of the most common stereotypes is that most of PwD use wheelchairs when moving around. In fact, only 1% of PwD use wheelchairs.
As a Disability Inclusion Program Lead, I am supporting Aramco’s continuous efforts to be the employer of choice for PwD and as a global influencer in disability inclusion. We have the determination and ability to reach even higher levels.
From my experience facilitating workshops and webinars on PwD inclusion, I have seen great examples of employees from across the company who want to be part of our success because they believe in the positivity that arises from an inclusive workplace.
It is an important value in our Islamic and Arabian heritage to stand for those who need support, and help them to perform to the best of their abilities for the benefit of the entire community. This is the real meaning of inclusion and it is the right thing to do.
— The writer is Disability Inclusion Program Lead at Aramco