France lauds Saudi Arabia's decisive role in implementing Riyadh Agreement

December 20, 2020
The French Republic Saturday welcomed the implementation of Riyadh Agreement, leading to the formation of a Yemeni government between the legitimate Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council.
The French Republic Saturday welcomed the implementation of Riyadh Agreement, leading to the formation of a Yemeni government between the legitimate Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council.

PARIS — The French Republic Saturday welcomed the implementation of Riyadh Agreement, leading to the formation of a Yemeni government between the legitimate Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council.

France also hailed the decisive role being played by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in this regard.

It added in its statement on its Ministry of Foreign Affairs website that this important step would contribute to preserving Yemen's unity and territorial integrity.

It also called for the continued implementation of the security dimension of Riyadh Agreement, stressing the importance of ending the conflict in Yemen, which requires a cessation of hostilities and the resumption of discussions under the auspices of the United Nations to reach a general and comprehensive political agreement.

The European Union also said the announcement of a new Yemeni government within the framework of Riyadh Agreement implementation is a positive step towards a comprehensive political solution for Yemen.

The official spokesman for the European External Action Service in Brussels said that the new government will have difficult tasks and it will need to take important and courageous decisions for the sake of Yemen and all its people.

In this regard, it will be important to have more Yemeni women in political positions and effective participation of them in governance, he further said.

"The European Union appreciates the facilitation efforts being made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and encourages all actors to ensure the prompt and full implementation of all provisions of Riyadh Agreement," EU official spokesman added.

The European Union declared its commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen, and affirmed that it would continue to support efforts aimed at a peaceful solution to the conflict in Yemen.

Meanwhile, the Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Djibouti Ambassador Dya-Eddine Bamakhrama considered the announcement of the formation of a new Yemeni government as one of the results of the Riyadh Agreement that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had made great efforts to complete for the benefit of the Yemeni people.

In his statement, the ambassador affirmed that Djibouti considers the formation of the new Yemeni government as part of the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement and as a step in the right direction towards security, peace, stability and restoration of state institutions in the Republic of Yemen.

The ambassador expressed his country's gratitude and appreciation to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s government, being led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman and Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman. — SPA

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