Saudi Arabia leads global condemnation of terrorist attack targeting Aden airport

December 30, 2020

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH — Saudi Arabia led the global condemnation of the terrorist attack at Yemen’s Aden airport on Wednesday, targeting a plane carrying members of the newly formed Yemeni government headed by Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed.

In a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency, the foreign ministry said: “The government of Saudi Arabia condemns in the strongest terms the cowardly terrorist act that targeted Aden airport today, leaving a number of people dead and wounded. The attack coincided with the arrival of the plane carrying members of the new Yemeni government.”

“This treacherous act backed by the forces of evil is not directed only against the legitimate Yemeni government but against Yemeni people represented by all political factions who seek security, peace, stability, and prosperity in the country at a time when forces of darkness stand in their way to stop them from achieving their goals,” the statement read.

“Saudi Arabia affirms its solidarity and stands by Yemen and its people as it has been since the first day. They are all confident that today's incident will only increase their determination and steadfastness in achieving their aspirations and restoring their legitimacy,” the statement added.

The foreign ministry on behalf of the government expressed sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and wished a speedy recovery for the injured.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres strongly condemned Wednesday’s deadly attack on Aden airport.

In a statement released on Wednesday, Guterres expressed his condemnation of the "deplorable attack."

The UN chief reiterated the steadfast commitment of the UN to support efforts to resume a Yemeni-led and Yemeni-owned political process to reach an inclusive, negotiated settlement to the conflict.

Earlier in the day, the UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, condemned the attack on Aden airport, calling it an “unacceptable act of violence.” In a statement posted on his official Twitter account, Griffiths said: "I strongly condemn the attack at Aden airport upon the Cabinet's arrival & the killing and injury of many innocent civilians. My sincere condolences and solidarity to all who lost loved ones."

"I wish the Cabinet strength in facing the difficult tasks ahead. This unacceptable act of violence is a tragic reminder of the importance of bringing Yemen urgently back on the path towards peace."

Meanwhile, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and others have also strongly denounced the terrorist attack.

In a statement, Bahrain’s foreign ministry expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims and to the government and brotherly Yemeni people, wishing a speedy recovery to the ones injured.

The ministry affirmed the solidarity of Bahrain with Yemen, stressing that this terrorist act reflects the clear determination of the terrorist Houthi militia to continue its attacks on civilian institutions and installations and destabilize security and stability in Yemen, as well as obstructing any political solution that meets the aspirations of the brotherly Yemeni people for security, stability, and peace.

The UAE foreign ministry said in a statement stressed that attempts to target the Riyadh Agreement, through attacking the newly formed Yemeni government, is a diabolic scheme aimed at undermining prospects of security and stability in Yemen and the region. The ministry reiterated the importance of confronting these subversive attempts with all vigilance and determination.

The UAE ministry reaffirmed the UAE's strong condemnation of these terror attacks and its categorical rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism aimed at destabilizing security and stability in contravention of all religious and humanitarian principles and values.

The ministry stressed that the continuation of such attacks highlights the nature of the dangers facing the region as a result of the Houthi coup, and the efforts of these militias' to undermine security and stability in the region. It further emphasized the determination of the Arab Coalition under the leadership of Saudi Arabia to stand by the Yemeni people and contribute to their stability and security.

Oman also condemned the terrorist attack at the Aden airport.

In a statement, Oman's foreign ministry said that the sultanate urged all parties to resort to dialogue and understanding, as well as supporting efforts for establishing peace in Yemen.

Jordanian foreign ministry condemned the terror attack. In a press statement, the ministry's spokesperson Dhaifallah Fayez affirmed Jordan's strong condemnation and denouncement of this cowardly terror attack, its rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism, aimed at destabilizing Yemen's security and stability.

The Jordanian ministry also blasted attempts to impede efforts targeting to stop deterioration in Yemen, end the conflict, achieve peace, and meet aspirations of the Yemeni people for growth and prosperity, the statement added.

Fayez expressed his sincere condolences and sympathy to the victims' families and wished for a speedy recovery for the injured.

Pakistan strongly denounced the terrorist attack that took place at Aden airport on Wednesday, resulting in multiple fatalities and injuries.

The Pakistani government expressed sincere condolence and sympathy to the families of the victims and to the government and people of Yemen, wishing the injured a speedy recovery, an official statement said.

In a statement on Wednesday, the foreign ministry of Pakistan expressed its denunciation and condemnation of the attack which it described as a terrorist act aiming to undermine the recent efforts exerted by Saudi Arabia, particularly the positive results of the endeavor aiming to enhance peace and security in Yemen.

The statement added that Pakistan urges the international community to guarantee the respect and integrity of Yemen’s territories and support for the efforts aiming to bolster peace and security in the country.

Abu Dhabi-based Global Council for Tolerance and Peace also condemned the terrorist attack on Aden Airport.

In a statement, Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Jarwan, president of the council, condemned the terror attack that targeted Yemeni government officials, citizens, and civilians, noting that it reflects the true image of the Houthi militia, who continue to threaten and undermine Yemen’s peace and development.

Al Jarwan pointed out that the council always supports Yemen’s government and people, as well as its security, safety, and stability, and it strongly condemns such attacks and bombings.

Al Jarwan pointed out that the Council always supports Yemen’s government and people, as well as its security, safety, and stability, and it strongly condemns such attacks and bombings.

He also urged the international community, on behalf of the council, to counter all entities that seek to destroy the Yemeni people's gains.

Sudan, Lebanon, and Belgium also denounced the terrorist attack that took place on Wednesday at Aden airport.

In a statement on Thursday, Sudan’s foreign ministry said that the terrorist act targets the positive steps that have been achieved in the formation of the new Yemeni government and the implementation of the military mechanism under the Riyadh Agreement.

The Lebanese foreign ministry in a statement expressed sincere condolence to and sympathy with the Yemeni government for the fatalities and injuries resulting from the incident, wishing the injured a speedy recovery.

The ministry confirmed its support for the efforts being exerted to end the tragic page and restore stability and peace to Yemeni friendly people.

In a statement issued by the foreign ministry, Belgium called on all parties to continue to engage in a lasting political solution to the conflict, offering condolences to the families of the victims.

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