Saudi citizen’s Digital ID launched

January 05, 2021

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH — The Ministry of Interior, represented by the Civil Status Department, launched the electronic version of the national identity card of Saudi citizens. The electronic ID under the name of “Digital ID” will be available through “Absher Individuals” service of the ministry’s Absher portal application on citizens’ smart phones, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

Muhammad Al-Jasser, spokesman of Civil Status, that the Digital ID will facilitate the process of verifying the identity of citizens, who are holders of it, in the event that they do not carry their original ID card.

“It will enable the beneficiaries to view the ID data electronically through the variable QR code of “Absher Individuals” application. The beneficiaries can download a copy of the Digital ID on the smart device to take advantage of it without the need to connect to the Internet,” he said.

Al-Jasser said that the Digital ID would be a turning point in developing the process of electronic transactions for individuals with the relevant sectors in the ministry’s “Absher Individuals.”

The Civil Status Department launched the “Digital ID” service, in cooperation with the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority, represented by the National Information Center.

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