
Iran and its role of sabotage

January 27, 2021

Hailah Al-Mashouh

Iran constitutes an obstacle to global peace and stability, apart from proving a major dilemma to all American administrations ever since the assumption of office by President Jimmy Carter in 1977 to the present day.

The Iranian revolution is not only a time bomb by virtue of its dangerous nuclear program but rather constitutes difficulties represented in developing a strategy that results in a change through peaceful means as demonstrated in the dealings of its politicians with its neighboring countries and even with the whole world.

In the late eighties, the first success of Iran in its pursuit of uranium enrichment technologies was when it acquired centrifuge systems through the nuclear black market and a laser enrichment plant.

And this way Iran acquired, over the years, more advanced equipment and technologies to expand its nuclear program, while the endeavors of the international community were focusing on concluding agreements with Iran to confirm the peacefulness of its program so that these diplomatic efforts have become a means — perhaps indirectly — as a cover for the expansion of this dangerous nuclear program.

This in turn has become the greatest threat to the region as well as to global interests, in addition to the challenge that it is difficult to know the reality of the current situation in Iran, not because of the obstacles imposed by Tehran, but because uranium enrichment technologies can be used for both military and civilian purposes!

Since Khomeini came to power in 1979, the abhorrent sectarian element has played a pivotal role in shaping Iran’s foreign policy according to the concept of Wilayat al-Faqih, which is represented by the religious authority of the Supreme Leader that is superior to any other authority even if it is the civil authority represented by the head of state.

Moreover, the Iranian constitution provides for exporting the revolution and violating the sovereignty of neighboring countries to spread chaos and sectarian unrest, which leads to expansion in those countries, and thus to dominate them completely, as is currently happening in the Arab countries of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen.

The American policy towards Iran varies with the change of administrations therein, and this changing political stereotype in itself was a pretext for the exacerbation of Iran’s criminal behavior in the region.

The years of prosperity and fictitious agreements with an administration were enough to cover its political losses with another administration, just as happened during the tenures of President Obama and President Trump while the former concluded nuclear agreement whereas the latter announced pulling out from the agreement.

Thus the Iranian terrorism has become a dilemma that cannot be tolerated by policies (adopted by some countries), and that contradict what was done under President Trump in terms of sanctions and political and economic pressures.

This is what must be devoted in the coming period in the administration of US President Joe Biden to limit Iran’s role of sabotage in the region and its compliance with binding agreements to ensure that what it claims of peaceful nuclear actions is nothing but a cover to develop its nuclear weapon!

— The writer can be reached @hailahabdulah20

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