Arab Interior Ministers Council denounce Houthi militia's hostilities Saudi Arabia

March 08, 2021
ARCO Secretary General Dr. Saleh Bin Hamad Al-Tuwaijri.
ARCO Secretary General Dr. Saleh Bin Hamad Al-Tuwaijri.

TUNIS/RIYADH — The Secretariat General of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers has strongly condemned terrorist Houthi militia's repeated and continuing hostilities targeting civilians and civilian facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In a statement issued Monday, it said that the two terrorist attacks that took place Sunday on the Ras Tanura port and Aramco facilities in Dhahran only confirm once again the true intentions of these criminal gangs in undermining peace and stability in the region and threatening global energy sources.

And they once again confirm the great support being provided for them by some regional powers hostile to the Kingdom and the Arab world.

The Secretariat of the Council expressed its deep satisfaction that brave Saudi air defense forces were able to thwart these two attacks, renewing its full support for the Kingdom and all measures it takes to ensure the security of its citizens and residents on its lands and the safety of its facilities.

Others too joined in the condemnation of the terror attacks with Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization (ARCO) Secretary General Dr. Saleh Bin Hamad Al-Tuwaijri saying that attacking energy facilities threatens global stability.

Dr. Al-Tuwaijri affirmed that targeting energy facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represents a terrorist act that threatens the global stability. In a statement, Dr. Al-Tuwaijri condemns these continuous attacks against the Kingdom, calling upon the international community to stop such acts in order to achieve the global security.

Meanwhile, the United States Embassy in Riyadh condemned the recent Houthi attacks against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In a statement, the embassy disclosed that "the Houthi heinous attacks on civilians and vital infrastructure demonstrated their lack of respect for human life and disregard for peace efforts. The United States stands by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its people," affirming that the US commitment to defend the Kingdom and its security is unwavering.

In Aden, the Republic of Yemen denounced, in strong terms, the Houthi militia's terrorist attacks against civilian objects in the Saudi cities with missiles and bomb-laden drones, while the forces of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen have managed to intercept and destroy them.

In a statement issued by the Yemeni Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Yemen affirmed that this attack represents a flagrant violation of the international law and the UN charters.

"The Houthi threats to the regional security and stability are war crimes. The international community shall assume its responsibilities to end such irresponsible acts and unprecedented military escalation against Marib city and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia," the statement added.

The Yemeni Ministry also asserted Yemen's solidarity with the Kingdom in all measures to preserve the safety of citizens and residents on its territories.

Afghanistan too has condemned, in strong terms, the terrorist attempts to target the oil facilities, civilian objects and civilians in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In a statement, the government of Afghanistan asserted that this attack is a flagrant violation of international laws and human rights, affirming Afghanistan's full stand and solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In Moroni, the government of the Union of the Comoros strongly condemned the new Houthi attacks on Aramco in Dhahran and the Ras Tanura Port in the Eastern Region.

In a statement issued Monday, the Comorian government described these attacks as a "blatant insult" to the international laws, reiterating its continuous solidarity and permanent support with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against aggressive acts that pose a serious threat to the security and stability of the region. — SPA

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