Saudi Gazette unveils new identity but holds on to old, core values

March 16, 2021

In a “New Beginning”, Saudi Gazette — a comprehensive online portal —launched on Tuesday (March 16, 2021), with a new identity that is totally in step with modern times, while delivering on our promise of staying abreast with the emerging technologies and also the latest news and views.

While modernity will drive the technological enhancement that would enable our readers to stay connected with news on their fingertips, Saudi Gazette does revert back to its 1976 masthead design in its redefined logo to reemphasize that we still hold dear our old, core values.

The uniqueness of the starting word in the logo can be discerned by the fact that the Arabic letter “sin” and the English letter S combine to bring about a synergy of tradition, culture and development — truly telling the story of Saudi Gazette’s evolution.

The ‘New Beginning’ that brought about a technological upscaling in Saudi Gazette’s dissemination of news has proved to be the one constant in nearly every home, here and abroad, as the pandemic changed the world in every which way we had known.

It was this move to go digital on May 1, 2019, that has helped Saudi Gazette stay the premier news outlet during the yearlong yearning for news about the way the pandemic has shifted the goals of the world.

“We had promised to provide you with a better and faster platform to keep you up-to-date of the developments taking place around you and around the world. And the growing digital connection between us is a testimony to this fact,” said Okaz Editor in Chief and Saudi Gazette Supervisor General Jameel Al Theyabi.

“Our focus exclusive on quality content in our digital dissemination of news has paid dividends. Throughout our change to an enhanced digital world, our association has grown, especially with our constant efforts to be quick and accurate with the news,” he added.

“I would like to thank the encouragement and support of Okaz Group Chairman Abdullah Saleh Kamel in our endeavor to gain a new identity. He has always stood by our decisions and assisted in every way so we attain our goals,” Al Theyabi said.

And our increasing reach through social media proves that fact amply as our growing audience still believe that despite the technological change, Saudi Gazette has stuck to its core value of disseminating valued news... making it still the outlet which provides all with ‘news one can trust’.

Saudi Gazette has played its fundamental role in raising public’s interest in daily issues and events, providing information on all political, current, cultural and social issues, through its multiple platforms.

As we use technology to drive news, we will however, not compromise on quality while trying to provide quantity. Thus to provide our audience with news on their fingertips we will be coming to you’ll in a new identity, Al Theyabi added.

“The change will be technological — applications and multiple platform on social media — providing a qualitative leap to the audio and visual content provided by Saudi Gazette. For we recognize ‘content is king’.”

We will always remain an outlet for disseminating knowledge be it cultural, intellectual, political and economic, and for that we host a wide variety of writers, intellectuals and thinkers, Al Theyabi stated.

As the world changes, so too does our medium — evolving as it records development and history by following and adapting to societal developments. This has been extremely clear during the coronavirus crisis, where, among other things, the medium has made it possible to ensure the continuity of trusted news, he said.

In its journey spanning four decades, Saudi Gazette has been the lens trough which its readers saw the Kingdom and the world, he said, adding, with its new identity Saudi Gazette will continue to play its pivotal function in providing news of value to its audience, by not only being the “first updater” but the “fast updater” of any event.

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